is a get paid to write site which publishes content by freelance writers and shares advertising revenue with them. is based in Vancouver, Canada, and was started in 1996. Initially, it was a site for Canadian writers to congregate and share their writings, without a strong emphasis on revenue generation. In this format, the site generated many articles, some by notable professional journalists and writers.
However, in 2006, the site was purchased by a group of Canadian and German investors, and proceeded to make a strong push to commercialize itself. It set up offices and sites in Europe, including in France, in Germany, and in Spain. It also hired a large editorial staff, and started putting Google Adsense advertising on its pages. Today, hires some 2500 freelance writers to produce its content, and is constantly looking for more writers to produce content in its 400 topics and some 3000 categories.
To write for, you must be 18 years or older, because Suite101 pays by Paypal, and you must be 18 or older to have a Paypal account. You must first submit 2 test articles to the editors, and if you qualify, you will be able to start writing. New freelance writers begin as Contributing Writers, who must post at least 40 articles per year, on any of its 400 topics. The articles must be 400-1000 words long, and must be SEO-optimized and target specific keywords and phrases. Affiliate marketing and links to commercial websites are strictly banned.
Compensation to writers at is based on advertisement revenue sharing, although the exact percentage that is shared is not disclosed. After you have written 50 good, SEO-optimized articles, you are given a 10% increase in your compensation. After you have been a Contributing Writer for some time (written more than 10 articles and displayed excellent writing skills), you can apply to be a Feature Writer in a topic area of your interest. The difference between a Feature Writer and a Contributing Writer is that a Feature Writer receives an additional 20% in compensation compared to a Contributing Writer. In return, a Feature Writer has a higher annual quota of articles (52 articles a year, or one a week), and is constrained to write in a specific topic. The Feature Writer can also write on other topics and receive compensation on the off-topic articles. However, the off-topic articles do not count towards the annual quota. While compensation by Suite101 is generally not disclosed, anecdotal reports suggest that most writers will earn below $1000 a month, with the occasional prolific writer making $1000-2000 a month.
For freelance writers who are looking into a get-paid-to-write site, offers a blend of complete freedom of topics with some degree of editorial handholding, but compensation may be on the low side for the quality of articles expected. Still, for those who do not want the hassle of setting up your own website or dealing with webmaster chores, Suite101 can be an attractive choice.