There are many ways to buy gasoline at cheap prices. Here I am going to show you how to save money on gas purchases by using Speedy Reward points. It is every simple. You can earn Speedy Reward points and then redeem them for discounted gasoline purchases. Let me explain it to you in detail.
What is the Speedy Rewards program?
The Speedy Rewards program is a shopping rewards program brought to you by Speedway SuperAmerica LLC. Speedyway SuperAmerica LLC, headquatered in Enon, Ohio, is the largest company in the MidWest US running gasoline-convenience stores. Currently, there are more than 1,600 gasoline stations and convenience stores ran under the brand names of SpeedyWay or SuperAmerica by Speedway SuperAmerica LLC in 9 midwest US states, including Michigan, West Virginia and South Dakota. To find a Speedway store or SuperAmerica store near you, you can visit, their official website. If you do not live in the US Midwest, you may not find this program useful. If you live in the region where Speedway stores or SuperAmerica convenience stores operate, you should consider joining the Speedy Rewards program to save money not only on gas purchases but also on other purchases.
How do you earn Speedy Rewards points?
Before earning Speedy Rewards points, you need to get an account. You can register for a Speedy Rewards account either online at or in SpeedyWay or SuperAmerica convenience stores. If you prefer to register online, you should get a card in-store first. You need the number on the card for your online registration. It is free to get a membership in this program. To earn Speedy Rewards points is easy. You just need to visit SpeedyWay or SuperAmerica convenience stores and make your regular purchases, and you will earn points from your qualifying purchase. The points will be accumulated in your account.
How to buy cheap gasoline by using Speedy Rewards points?
One benefit of joining this program is that you can buy cheap gasoline at participating SpeedyWay or SuperAmerica gas stations by using Speedy Reward points. Remember you need to swipe your Speedy Rewards card at the pump in order to get the discounted gas. If you have enough points, you may even get free gas.
Are there other benefits in joining the Speedy Rewards program?
There are many other benefits in joining this program. Besides getting cheap gas, you can redeem Speedy Reward points for many free merchandise in SpeedyWay or SuperAmerica convenience stores such as food and gift cards. Recently, they have added sweepstakes to the points redemption list. You can redeem 50 points for a 1 sweepstakes entry to win great prizes such as a summer travel package, a Wi-Fi ready iPad and a $500 Speedy Cash Fuel Card. As a member of Speedy Rewards program, you will receive saving coupons and special offers from SpeedyWay or SuperAmerica stores.
In conclusion, the Speedy Rewards Program provides a great opportunity for people living in MidWest US to save money on gas purchases. If you are already a customer of SpeedyWay or SuperAmerica stores sometimes, don’t forget to grab your Speedy Rewards card. If you are new to SpeedyWay or SuperAmerica stores, but you are interested in knowing how to save money on gas purchase using Speedy Reward points, you should visit to learn more.